A septic tank typically is not an issue homeowners think about, until there is a problem. Usually, when disaster strikes in this area, it needs to be dealt with quickly and safely. Although Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can handle any septic tank issue, it would be helpful for you to know that many of these issues can be prevented. Follow the tips below to avoid (as much as possible) a septic tank disaster in your near future.

Inspect Annually
One of the best ways to prevent a septic tank problem is to have your sewer system inspected on an annual basis. With an annual sewer camera inspection, our technicians can provide the first line of defense against septic tank leaks, broken sewer lines, or a faulty septic system.
Our three-step sewer camera inspection includes:
- Draining the sewer line
- Running a sewer camera through the lines
- Detecting any issues within the septic system
Pump as Needed
If you suspect that your septic tank is clogged, your system may be in need of a thorough pumping and cleaning. It’s best not to wait until it’s completely blocked up before you call us to request service. There are several signs that indicate that it may be time to pump out that septic tank:
- Drains are slow to empty
- Gurgling noises when flushing the toilet or running water
- Foul odors from the toilet, or near the septic tank outdoors
Stay Off the Drain Field
Staying off the drain field will keep the septic tank system from being accidentally damaged. Any heavy pressure on the drain field can compact the soil, causing damage to the pipes. There should be no heavy equipment (like vehicles or tractors), no construction (such as garden sheds or swimming pools), and no outdoor equipment (like swing sets or trampolines), anywhere near the drain field.
At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we have over 70 years of septic tank pumping and cleaning experience in Greenwood and the surrounding areas. Call us at (317) 266-0000 or request service online the next time you need our septic tank pumping services. We also provide other plumbing services such as sewer cleaning, drain and sink cleaning, and emergency plumbing services.